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Bursaspor Taraftarının MHK'ye Tepkisi Dinmiyor

Oynadığı son 3 maçta hakem hataları sebebiyle kupadan elendiklerini ve ligde puan kayıpları yaşadıklarını iddia eden Bursasporlular MHK'yı UEFA'ya şikayet etmeye devam ediyor. Son 3 maçta yaşananların karanlıkta kaldığını ifade eden Bursaspor taraftarları UEFA'yı mail yağmuruna tutuyor...

İngilizce olarak yazılan mail'de, "Türkiye'deki en büyük spor olayı olarak değerlendirilen Turkcell Süper Ligi'nde yaklaşan final haftalarından dolayı takımımız tüm futbol dünyasının ilgisini çekmiştir. Bursaspor, Türk futbolunun gizli kanunlarını yıkmaya çok yakın. Bir Anadolu kulübü ligde şampiyonluk kupasını kaldıracak. Şüphesiz ki bu Türk futbol tarihinin en önemli gelişmelerinden biri olacaktır. Ama kimin için? Kim bunun gerçekleşmesinden memnun kalacaktır? Sizler Bursaspor'un son karşılaşmalarını incelerseniz, yeşil sahadaki kara oyunları göreceksiniz. Hakemlerin sergilediği provokatif yönetimden dolayı Bursaspor camiasının tepkisine verilen cezayı incelediğinizde, saha dışındaki kara oyunları görebileceksiniz. Biz mücadele edebilmek için sadece adaletli bir ortam istiyoruz. Başka hiç bir beklentimiz yok" ifadeleri yer alıyor.

Bursaspor tarihindeki en başarılı dönemini yaşarken, bu başarının ucuz oyunlarla gölgelenmeye çalışılmasına tepkinizi göstermek istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki metni kopyalayıp info@uefa.com adresine mail atabilirsiniz:

Dear official representatives of UEFA,

I am writing this e-mail on behalf of all Bursaspor Football Club fans from Turkey. We are approaching day by day to the end of Turkish Super League 2009/2010 Season, and our team is under the spotlight in the media due to the outstanding success that we have achieved in this season so far. We have a realistic chance to break the traditions in Turkish Football, which means to carry the trophy from Istanbul to an Anatolian team, a case may happen after 25-yar residence of the trophy in Istanbul.

There is no doubt that it will be a huge impact in Turkey if an Anatolian team wins the season. Nevertheless, there are doubts on the fact that who will be satisfied and happy with this revolution and who will lose their longlasting interests.

Due to my opinion, I would suggest you to check the recent 4 major games of Bursaspor, which are as the following:

18th December: Besiktas - Bursaspor
4th February: Fenerbahce - Bursaspor
11th February: Bursaspor - Fenerbahce
15th February: Bursaspor - Trabzonspor

As you will realize when you check the aforementioned games, it is a piece of cake for someone to be aware of the unfair and bizarre decisions of referees, which are occuring repetitively. What is even funnier in an ironical way that, our football club was sued by PFDK("Discpline Committee for Professional Football in Turkey"), and our club is obliged to play the next home game away from Bursa without any supporters. We are not really intending to come up with any kind of conspiracy theories, but it is an obvious fact that our progress is trying to be stopped and slowed down in a totally unfair and unacceptable way.

Unfortunately, this punishment is not an alone-stander, because scandals and bizarre decisions are becoming a tradition for Turkish Footbal Federation, and we have no idea who will make an action to stop all these unfair treatments. Most of the instutions that are related with football directly are operating in favour of teams from Istanbul( Galatasaray, Fenerbahce, Besiktas), which are so-called the major teams in Turkey, and they are treaing unfairly to all other teams, who are competing with the aforesaid teams to achieve the same result in the end, which is the title. Nevertheless, due to all these reasons, a fair competition field is not created and it is almost impossible for an Anatolian team to make the "revolution".

As Bursaspor fans, we really have to confess that we are totally fed up with this situation and we are losing our temper. More than a half century, we have been fighting against them major forces in Turkey with our uncomparable budget, which is less than the transfer fee of one player, who plays for so-called "major" teams. In spite all of these facts, we are fighting to reach our target, but it will remain as an "utopia" unless someone makes this competition run in a fair way to all parts involved.

We are done with our country-wide options, and therefore, we are contacting you right now. As the leading power in European football management, we are asking UEFA to take action in this matter and to investigate the situation in Turkey deeply and in a detailed way. We have no doubt that UEFA "cares about football", and will do whatever necessary to keep the great game's fair spirit in our country.

If you have any other questions or more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to work together with you and clean the dirty traces that exists in our football for long time.

What we only demand is a fair treatment, nothing else.

Kind regards on behalf of all Bursaspor fans,

İsim - soyisim

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Tüm Haberler
 Süper Lig Puan Durumu        
  Takım O G B M P
1 ŞANLIURFASPOR 10 5 5 0 20
3 ÇORUM FK 9 5 1 3 16
4 ANKARASPOR 10 4 4 2 16
5 SOMASPOR 10 4 3 3 15
8 TARSUS İDMAN YURDU 10 3 6 1 15

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